This resource was created for you to use during this season with your children. Instead of activities just for Sunday, each week contains small activities to help your children encounter God daily. Commit to building your child’s faith throughout the week!


Youth: Church @ Home

Sermon worksheet.

Kids: March 29

Jesus Taught About Giving

Kids: April 5

“Holy Week” edition

Kids: April 12

“Holy Week” recap


Kids: April 19

Thomas Believed

Kids: April 26

The Holy Spirit Came

Kids: May 3

Paul and Barnabas
Became Missionaries

Kids: May 10

Paul Listened to God


Kids: May 17

Paul Taught in Athens

Kids: May 24

Paul Preached to an Angry Crowd

Kids: May 31

Paul Taught Peter

Kids: June 7

Samuel in the Tabernacle


Kids: June 14

The People Sang

Kids: June 21

People Prayed for Peter

Kids: June 28

The Antioch Church Helped

Kids: July 5

Gideon Obeyed God


Kids: July 12

Samson Chose Revenge

Kids: July 19

Mary Anointed Jesus’ Feet

Kids: July 26

Jesus Answered
the Ruler’s Question

Kids: August 2

God Create the World


Kids: August 9

God Created People

Kids: August 16

Abram Solved a Quarrel

Kids: August 23

Jacob and Esau Reconciled

Kids: August 30

Joseph Loved His Brothers